When we rolled out the redesign a few weeks ago, one of the sections of the Empire that got the most dramatic face-lift was Offbeat Bride’s Vendor Guide. Suddenly, vendor listings look slicker, and category and location pages were more awesome.
One of the changes that we made to listing pages was adding the same Jumbo Share counter that we have on the blogs. It’s that thing right under the title of all blog posts and vendor listings that shows how many times the page has been shared on the most popular social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Reddit. I was super stoked about getting this added to Vendor Listings — it makes it so much easier for couples planning their weddings to bookmark a listing with Pinterest, or share it with their partner via Facebook.
That said, I knew that the change might be a little jarring for vendors. There are lots of different ways that our readers interact with our vendor listings, and a share count isn’t necessarily indicative of how busy a business is, or how a listing is performing. And of course it’s a little distressing when a brand spanking new vendor listing goes up and the share count is very low. These concerns in mind, I wanted to share a few ways that vendors can really make the most of that share count.
Share yourself
The quickest way to increase your listing’s share count is to, well, share it yourself! Use the share options on your listing to share it on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, or Reddit. The Jumbo Counter counts retweets and repins from your share, so your one share could quickly amplify. Heck, you could even share your listing on your social media channels monthly as a way to keep it top of mind for your followers.
Heck, if you @reply us on Twitter or Pinterest, we’ll probably reshare your listing!

Rally word of mouth with existing clients
We all know word of mouth is powerful, and offbeat word of mouth is even more powerful! If you find clients through Offbeat Bride, ask them to use the Share buttons to share your listing on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.
Have us share it!
If you want to get a real boost to your share count, consider purchasing one of our Visibility Packages. For $101, we can broadcast your vendor listing to our 170k+ followers on our social media channels. Again, since every retweet and repin is tracked by the counter, this can quickly push your share count up into the double or even triple digits.
How often does the counter update? (i.e. I just shared my listing twice, but my counter remains at a sad little 1)
My understanding is that it updates every 5 minutes and will contain data as recent as 10-20 minutes ago.
Here’s more than you ever wanted to know, directly from AddThis, the maker of the tool:
Thank you. That should cut down on my obsessive refreshing. 🙂