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Does reading via RSS “rob” pageviews from a publisher?

I’m a religious follower via Feedly, but only click through if I want to comment. How does something like Feedly count in the Offbeat Empire’s pageviews, etc.? Am I essentially robbing you of a pageview by reading the full article in my reader?

FUCK YEAH, April Fools

In years past, we’ve done whole elaborate April Fools schemes with posts laser-targeted to freak out (and yes, enrage) our readers. This year, we’re going so subtle that some of you may not even notice. Just a tiny little text change that only the most engaged of our readers will even notice. …Find it yet?

Meet Offbeat Bride’s newest header character: Fierce

It’s been a year since we introduced a new character to Offbeat Bride’s header, so it’s high time that I introduce you to the newest lady to grace the top of our pages. We call her FIERCE, and you’ll be seeing her in rotation of the header of Offbeat Bride starting tomorrow.

Offbeat Families traffic 6 months later: it’s all about scandal, sex, and sadness

Here are the site analytics for Offbeat Families, six months after we ceased publication. This traffic is mostly Facebook-driven, and the sad truth is that the posts that seem to do best over there are always the most Jerry Springer-ish…