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Liberal bullying: Privilege-checking and semantics-scolding as internet sport

You might ask yourself, “Hmm, what’s the biggest challenge the Offbeat Empire deals with on a daily basis?” You might ask yourself, “Is it complaints from advertisers who are offended by the content?” (Nope: that’s happened exactly once in almost six years. Our advertisers work with us because they like our content.)

“Is it angry comments from conservative readers who are offended by the content?” (Maybe once a month, we’ll get a drive-by hate blast from someone who thinks gay marriage is awful, or breastfeeding is gross, or family cloth is disgusting. But really, it’s pretty rare.)

So, if it’s not advertisers or conservatives, what’s the biggest challenge we deal with every day? The challenge that has my editors second-guessing every post and quaking in fear, just waiting for the awfulness to begin? It’s attacks from our fellow progressives.

First glimpse at the newest faces of Offbeat Bride

It’s been four years since we last redesigned the header of Offbeat Bride, and while those three ladies (who I thought of as Lite, Gothy, and, well, ME) had a great run, it’s time for some new faces at the top of Offbeat Bride. We’re still in the process of finishing up the illustrations, but I’m too excited about them to keep them a secret any longer, so even though they’re not yet done being inked and colored… HERE THEY ARE!

And here’s some backstory…

Hate-reads and how for-profit sites work

Let’s say you don’t like an ad-supported website. I mean, REALLY dislike it so much that you feel compelled to regularly read it, but also wish it would stop existing. (This is often called hate-reading.) Here’s what NOT to do…

FIX TYPO: How to report errors on Offbeat Empire websites

Did you know you can submit corrections to typos and other errors you may find on the Offbeat Empire’s websites? Here’s how!