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A different kind of viral post

Today, Offbeat Mama is having its highest traffic day since launching in 2009 because a post called I’ve started telling my daughters I’m beautiful has gone viral. But it’s going viral in ways I’ve never seen before. If you like nerding out about this kind of thing, huddle up. Let’s take a look at how this post is different…

The 24-Hour Reply Rule

Stating the obvious here: dealing with drama when you work with an online community can get a little overwhelming. Whether it’s moderating comments, moderating forum content or internal blogs, or just dealing with contact from readers or members, there is a lot of potential for being in a situation where you’re dealing with really unhappy people. This is why I have my 24-hour rule…

When Geeky Met Dapper: the first ever Offbeat Bride fanfic

When we got a probably-joking comment about shipping fanfic written about Offbeat Bride’s header illustrations, you KNOW we were all over that shit. Behold now, the first ever fiction written about our branding…

The new illustrations are full color, and full awesome

The new faces of Offbeat Bride are totally up ‘n’ at ’em! Yes, Geeky ended up not quite as big as I might have wanted, but we’re getting there!