The agony of using Facebook to follow blogs
Despite the fact that every blog post published by the Offbeat Empire is linked on our Facebook pages, we all know Facebook has its own ideas about what to show you. Let’s talk about how to see more of our posts on Facebook…
“I had a 38,000 dollar return on investment from advertising with Offbeat Bride”
Tax season doesn’t normally bring me many smiles, but in the case of this testimonial from an Offbeat Bride advertiser… somehow tax season doesn’t seem so bad…
Offbeatdride: How to turn marketing fails into awesome human moments
I spent over ten years in the trenches of corporate marketing, so I have a lot of fist-bumping love for the creatives who find themselves paying the bills with public relations, marketing, and other sales work. That said, maybe having worked in marketing makes me even less patient with marketing mistakes. I’m like a former waiter, who’s both prone to tipping 40% because I remember so clearly the challenges of doing that work… but who’s also extra critical because, look: I know what it’s like, and it’s not that hard.
Wedding photographers: this is what can happen when you get featured on Offbeat Bride
Last week we featured Junshien Lau’s photos of a Stephanie & Jonathan’s Calvin and Hobbes wedding. Then what happened? Well, we’ll let Junshien tell you…