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Offbeatdride: How to turn marketing fails into awesome human moments

I spent over ten years in the trenches of corporate marketing, so I have a lot of fist-bumping love for the creatives who find themselves paying the bills with public relations, marketing, and other sales work. That said, maybe having worked in marketing makes me even less patient with marketing mistakes. I’m like a former waiter, who’s both prone to tipping 40% because I remember so clearly the challenges of doing that work… but who’s also extra critical because, look: I know what it’s like, and it’s not that hard.

What do people search for on Offbeat Bride?

I spent some time peeking at my Google Site Search stats last week, and learned some things about the stuff that readers search for on Offbeat Bride. From the chart above, you can see that despite the fact that our traffic since 2009 has increased by 20% – 80% each year, the number of on-site searches have gradually declined. I like to think this is because we’ve made it easier to find content on the site without searching, but that may be optimistic of me.

Anyway, here are the top 20 search terms people have used when searching on Offbeat Bride:

How to submit photos to wedding blogs: 6 secrets from a wedding blog editor to help YOUR photography get noticed

If you’re a wedding pro looking to get your work featured on Offbeat Bride, here are some tips to give your submission the best chance of standing out and bubbling up to become a feature.