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Offbeat Bride cited as one of “The 30 Most Brilliant Social Media Campaigns of 2014”

Offbeat Bride got a shout out on a list called “The 30 Most Brilliant Social Media Campaigns of 2014,” which is very flattering. As I read the list, I was like “Ooh, which of my amazing social media shenanigans got noticed?” Gloat gloat! How proud I am. Then I got down to our mention in the post, and it’s this:

Comparing traffic from social media sources… wow, Twitter

I have a pretty good anecdotal idea of how Offbeat Bride’s social media channels perform, but this article prompted me to do a quick audit to see if I could confirm my suspicions that despite 18k followers, Twitter doesn’t really do much for us.

Pulling the numbers not only confirmed that, but blew my mind:

An interview about the evolution of Offbeat Bride’s brand

What is the most surprising way your brand’s identity has changed since the site launch?

Inclusivity. Originally, Offbeat Bride really was targeted to only the most weird couples — but it quickly became clear to me that I was shooting myself in the foot by alienating my more traditional readers. After all, there’s more of them! Why would I limit my business or make people feel bad?

Why we’re retiring the term “Offbeat Lite”

Over the years, much digital ink has been spilled on the phrase “Offbeat Lite,” the term I jokingly started using back in 2007. Over the years, the phrase has slowly lost its editorial value as a taxonomical term… to the point where we’re now officially retiring it.