Category Archive

Author of three editions of the Offbeat Bride book and From Shitshow To Afterglow, Ariel Meadow Stallings acts as the publisher of all the Offbeat Empire websites.

Three tips for writing tough business emails

When it comes down to writing tough business emails, my best advice can boil down to three action items:

This website can’t be everything to everyone

An odd thing has happened as the Empire has evolved: readers are REALLY invested in the websites, which is awesome. But there IS a downside…

The first 5 years of Offbeat Bride

On January 1st, 2007, I wrote a short post announcing the launch of, the promotional website that was supposed to help me sell my silly wedding book.

I wish I could say I had it all planned; that I a strategy for how the website would grow and where the business would go, but I had no fucking clue…

Co-rumination: why you can’t let commiseration drag down your community

It wasn’t until I read a New York Times article about a psychology concept called “co-rumination” that I finally had a word to attach to spiral of negativity that can drag down online communities…