Rebranding the Empire: let your freak flag fly
We’re slowly rolling a rebrand out across all the Offbeat Empire sites. Here’s a look at the history of our branding, and what went into the new logo.
“Yeah, Totally!”: Don’t confuse interest with commitment
When you’re doing something big and interesting (like, oh, say, organizing an online community) and are looking for people to help, please, for the love of niches and all that matters to you, understand that not all yeah totallys are created equal…
How to handle affiliate post disclaimers… when EVERY post is an affiliate post thanks to Skimlinks
Let’s talk about how the Offbeat Empire disclaims affiliate content as transparently as possible — and where we might have room for improvement.
100,000+ comments on Offbeat Bride
Today I noticed that Offbeat Bride has officially crested 100k comments. The site is two weeks away from it’s 9th launch anniversary (!?!), so I guess that averages to about 11k comments a year.