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Offbeat Bride’s 3rd edition: why the book needed an update

My book Offbeat Bride was first published by Seal Press in January 2007 as Offbeat Bride: Taffeta-Free Alternatives for Independent Brides, with a second edition released in February 2010 under the title Offbeat Bride: Creative Alternatives for Independent Brides.

In the eight years since the release of the second edition, wedding culture has shifted dramatically (the influence of marriage equality and social media have both been huge!) and has reached 50 million website visitors. Clearly, it’s time for an updated and revised version of the book… which Seal Press will be publishing fall of 2019!

Let’s talk about the updates being made for the third edition…

Onward, Offbeat Resilience: the book that became Shitshow

A couple months back, I mentioned I was working away on trying to sell my second book, ONWARD. The first draft of the book was completed, but a series of literary agents and publishers all had the same feedback: you can’t sell this particular book, in this particular format.

So I hired a familiar face to help me rework it into a better format…

State of the Empire, 2018

Oh hello there, friends. It’s been a while. January 2018 marked the 11th anniversary of the Offbeat Empire, and — first, ok let’s just acknowledge that that’s a long-ass time for a digital media company to be around! Big snaps to everyone who’s been a part of this company and its growth for the last 11 years. In the interest of transparency, I figured I’d share a bit about where the business is at… and some thoughts about what might be on the horizon for both the Empire and its founder. Let’s see if I can wrap my head (or at least my mouth) around everything we’ve got on the table right now…

How to report a crappy ad

Historically, I’ve tended toward native advertising (which means placement we sell ourselves, like Offbeat Bride’s Vendor Guide listings or vendor spotlights)… but these days we’re shifting more toward serving up ads delivered by ad networks (banners that are sold and delivered by third party companies). What this means for y’all, the Offbeat Empire’s readers, is that sometimes you might see ads on the Empire that are fucking gross… that we didn’t sell, and don’t even know are there!