Category Archive


The Offbeat market, summed up

This web comic by Alexandra Dal (Kate Or Die) pretty much summarizes a large chunk of the Offbeat Empire’s readership — I love my special snowflakes, because I totally am one. As I wrote last year in my post, Are Offbeat weddings trendy?

My Pinterest drinking game

Go to Pinterest’s general weddings page ONE DRINK: When I see a pin from Offbeat Bride TWO DRINKS: When I see something that makes me want to write a WTF post Surely there are more rules. Help me?

Online etymology: is “DERP” ableist?

Oh, DERP. You ridiculous meme. You have replaced words like DUH, DOY, D’OH, and DER in the vernacular of millions, a quick three-letter word to say “That was hilariously stupid of me!” Unfortunately for DERP, there are some people who’ve used it derisively, using it to mock those with developmental delays or disabilities. Based on these contexts, some people now see the word as offensive.

So, why do you occasionally see the word on Offbeat Empire posts?