Think twice before appointing yourself cultural appropriation police
This week’s most noteworthy comment thread on the Offbeat Empire was not an easy one, and it actually spans two weeks. You’ll need a little backstory…
5 ways to use Pinterest’s Source page to market your business
Have you ever visited Pinterest’s “Source” page for your website? This is the page that displays the most recent pins sourced from your website. You find it by going to[your URL].
I am obsessed with Offbeat Bride’s source page at, and it’s one of my most frequently visited pages. I don’t even visit any more — I’ve bookmarked Offbeat Bride’s source page, and it’s one of the most effective ways I have of marketing my business. Here’s how…
How do you follow
I want to understand a little bit more about how y’all are following posts here on (note the URL: I’m specifically interested in — not the other offbeat sites)…
Our comment policy — now in French!
As many of you know, the Offbeat Empire’s comment policy is part of what makes our community different. I wrote a post a few years ago about How to write your blog’s comment policy, and at the end I mentioned that the Empire’s comment policy is Creative Commons licensed… which means anyone can adapt it […]