7 tips for search engine-friendly URLs to let Google make sweet love to your website
I get to see a lot of URLs pass my virtual doorstep in my dual editor/vendor relations roles. Almost everyone has some grasp of SEO and the tools that help us tread those nasty waters. But inevitably, I also see tiny ways we might be tripping ourselves up when it comes to SEO. And so often they are easy-peasy fixes. I’ll be talking about these strategies in a few posts, starting with one of the most basic: the slick and simple optimized URL!
Offbeatdride: How to turn marketing fails into awesome human moments
I spent over ten years in the trenches of corporate marketing, so I have a lot of fist-bumping love for the creatives who find themselves paying the bills with public relations, marketing, and other sales work. That said, maybe having worked in marketing makes me even less patient with marketing mistakes. I’m like a former waiter, who’s both prone to tipping 40% because I remember so clearly the challenges of doing that work… but who’s also extra critical because, look: I know what it’s like, and it’s not that hard.
How to submit photos to wedding blogs: 6 secrets from a wedding blog editor to help YOUR photography get noticed
If you’re a wedding pro looking to get your work featured on Offbeat Bride, here are some tips to give your submission the best chance of standing out and bubbling up to become a feature.
Vendor tips: how to get blacklisted from Offbeat Bride’s comments
I interact with dozens and dozens of amazing wedding vendors every day, and for the most part, it’s an amazing industry filled with inspired, independent, creative, and whip-smart people. Unfortunately, however, there are always a few small business owners who are still playing catch-up when it comes to blog commenting etiquette.