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Papertique as seen on the Offbeat Empire

My idea of fun: editing 800+ tag archive pages

We’ve long known that Google doesn’t think our tag archive pages are nearly as useful as we do. The Googs likes posts or pages, not dynamic archives with no static content. So what am I doing this fall? I am manually editing every single Offbeat Bride tag so that Google likes them better. All 800 of them.

Required reading of publishers, content marketers, and social media dorks

Every once and a while I’ll share an article on the Offbeat Empire’s Slack, and tell everyone that they need to read it. It’s usually something about the future of publishing, or content marketing, or social media. I find all these things fascinating (if a little cynical-making, sometimes), and that in mind, I thought I’d re-share a few of the things I’ve made staffers read recently…

Our remote working team conflict resolution policy

The Offbeat Empire is staffed by a team of contractors who all work remotely. Sure we’re based in Seattle — but I’m the only person who lives here. The rest of the staff is in California, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Nebraska, New Jersey, and Michigan. We keep in close touch via Slack, and we’re all nice people… but still: conflicts happen. This in mind, I thought I’d share the Offbeat Empire’s official conflict resolution policy.

Identity policing is not a game we play

We’re going to bring back our atrophied “noteworthy comment” category to share a comment that came in this week. This comment was deleted, and after you hear this bunny act it out, we think you’ll understand why…