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Show-don’t-tell marketing: how to share your business story with integrity

I spent over a decade in the corporate marketing trenches before I founded the Offbeat Empire. If I learned anything from my time with Microsoft, Amazon, and The Seattle Times, it’s this: the best marketing is just about telling a story. Really, all you’re trying to do is share stories that potential clients might be interested in and might see themselves in… all with the hopes that those potential clients will themselves become a part of the story.

As a writer, however, I know that it’s all about SHOWING (not telling) your stories. Don’t just TELL people about your business’s new products or values — SHOW them.

Fucking basil: blowing your goddamn mind

I recently compared the traffic for Offbeat Home & Life with Offbeat Families, and was amazed to see that Offbeat Home & Life has not only caught up to Offbeat Families — but surpassed its traffic pretty significantly with over double the visits.

And you know what’s responsible for most of those visits? FUCKING BASIL.

Why Tribesmaids forget about the Offbeat Bride blog (and how it hurts the site)

Six months ago, I promised Offbeat Home & Life readers a forum, and a few readers have been asking what’s going on with that. Here’s the deal…

Comparing how posts perform with different readerships

We have some general guidelines about what fits on each Offbeat Empire blog, but there’s definitely some overlap and wiggle room. Newlywed stuff generally goes on Home & Life (but sometimes goes on Bride), reproductive health generally goes on Families (but sometimes goes on Home & Life), and child-free stuff generally goes on Families (even though it’s very much about NOT having children). Anything meta (business, community, tech) goes here on Offbeat Empire, but sometimes we also post on the sites related to the meta-issue.

But sometimes there are some posts that stump us…