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How not to woo clients: insult your potential clientele online

This morning we posted a wedding on Offbeat Bride about a woman who built her wedding outfit using clothing she wore on her first date with her husband. The post immediately went viral on Facebook, garnering a thousand likes and 80k views in a couple hours. Inevitably, there were a ton of comments too, including this one…

Farewell, working from home

After five years of working from home, I am SO FUCKING SICK OF BEING STUCK IN MY HOUSE. That’s why I’m so excited to be exporting my work brain to a place occupied by adults. Starting last week, I’ve got a full-time desk at the new coworking space upstairs/behind Ada’s Technical Books.

Weeping angels and taint weeks: behind Offbeat Home & Life’s highest traffic spike ever

While y’all were off enjoying your long holiday weekends, Offbeat Home & Life was busy having its highest week of traffic EVER. Forget fucking basil, you guys… Offbeat Home & Life’s traffic spike was all about making Weeping Angels out of hacked up Barbies

Offbeat Bride’s weekly reach: Facebook vs. our own website

Here’s a mind-blower for you: Offbeat Bride’s weekly reach on Facebook is now about 370k people. Our weekly reach on our own website is about 250k people. This means that Offbeat Bride is now reaching more people via Facebook than we are via our own website.