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How to tell a publisher you’re unhappy with their website (and actually get them to consider making changes)

Over the past eight years, I’ve dealt with thousands of complaints from readers… ranging from the completely baffling the to the hugely helpful. I’ve noticed a few patterns in what makes the difference between constructive and helpful feedback vs extremely frustrating feedback. The next time you’re unhappy with a publisher, here are my suggestions for how to make sure your feedback is heard and acted upon:

Ever have trouble reaching ALL the Offbeat Empire sites?

Sometimes our anti-spambot tools get confuse and misidentify legit readers as spambots, and dark them out. There’s no error, no messaging… there’s just NOTHING. You’ve been darked out. The pages just stop loading. There’s no error, no messaging… there’s just NOTHING. Here’s what to do if you accidentally get darked out.

“Hi, can you help me exploit your content?”

This morning, we published a post on Offbeat Bride featuring some amazing Disney centerpieces. My editors hope every post does well, but there are certain posts that due to a combination of factors, we suspect might do a little extra well. Today our hunch was right, because within a few hours I got this email from a writer at Buzzfeed…

On getting hit by a bus, and wincing sausage factories

Last week after I returned home from the first leg of my Lovesick Expo travel, I was rushed to the ER and ended up having emergency abdominal surgery. I was in the hospital for a week, and am looking at another four weeks of recovery. This is seriously fucked up… but you know what’s amazing? The fact that the team of people who I work with at the Offbeat Empire is so amazing that even when I get hit by a metaphorical bus, the sausage factory barely even winced.