Getting real about wedding photography: this job is ridiculously hard, and burn-out is real
I recently did something at a wedding that I hadn’t done in years — I photographed it. I tagged along as second shooter for my co-worker and awesome wedding photographer Stephanie Kaloi. And it reminded me of why I quit shooting weddings… and basically shooting anything ever.
I used to love photography. But shooting weddings pretty much killed that passion.
Your website’s auto-play music may be losing you clients
Business owners and wedding vendors, you know I love you, but I have to get honest with you about something: the auto-play music on your website is NOT cool.
Let’s talk about the challenges of working from home
I’m writing this post while in my pajamas, hung over, and having a little “hair of the dog” after the great time I had at my birthday dance party on a Sunday night. And that right there, is pretty much the best testamant to working at home.
Photographers, independent designers, freelancers… I know you feel me! Working from home is awesome. But can we talk about the challenges of being self-employed and working from home and what we can do to combate those issues?