Skimlinks: what it is, and how it makes us money
I’ve mentioned before that the Empire uses a service called Skimlinks to help monetize our content. Here’s how it works.
This is why we can’t have nice things: the siren song of negative parenting talk
The most common question I receive about Offbeat Families is WHERE IS THE FORUM!? We get the question every once and a while on Offbeat Home, but with Offbeat Families it’s a weekly issue — a parenting website without a forum!? HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE?!
Why blog commenter over-sharing is ultimately a publisher’s problem
Publishing websites dedicated to big life stuff means that we get a lot of blog comments that are extremely personal. I’m not even talking here about the Offbeat Bride Tribe, which is private for exactly this reason — I’m just talking about comments on the blog. Comments that are all out in the open for everyone to read. A few examples of the kinds of over-sharing comments we deal with…
How to measure the days when you work from home
When you work from home, sometimes you have to measure you accomplishments in interesting ways. Did you leave the house? Then it was probably a good day.