Category Archive

web hosting

Ever have trouble reaching ALL the Offbeat Empire sites?

Sometimes our anti-spambot tools get confuse and misidentify legit readers as spambots, and dark them out. There’s no error, no messaging… there’s just NOTHING. You’ve been darked out. The pages just stop loading. There’s no error, no messaging… there’s just NOTHING. Here’s what to do if you accidentally get darked out.

The Dark Day of September 5, 2013, and our brand new server

We’re still recovering from our epic outage, which lasted from about 8pm PST September 4th until 4am PST September 6th. By several magnitudes, this was the longest downtime we’ve had in our 7 years of publishing. That shit was brutal. After troubleshooting on the old server for 20 hours, we decided to abandon ship and move to a brand new server. So far, it’s sparkly and doing well.

I’ve been using the Offbeat Empire’s Facebook page to keep everyone updated, but now that is back online (on an entirely new server, built from scratch) I’ll update this post with updates as we have them.

Your website’s auto-play music may be losing you clients

Business owners and wedding vendors, you know I love you, but I have to get honest with you about something: the auto-play music on your website is NOT cool.